Thursday, July 18, 2013

My blogging experience

Hello my dears!
Today I will talk about my blogging experience.
I think that the blogging experience was good.  I learned to write so better or more fluid but if you don’t write followed you lose the ability. For this reason that you have writing all time. I believe that this activity help me for learn more vocabulary. Also I think that the positive thing about the blogging experience is that the teacher helps us and she corrects me all time when I was a doubt. Now I understand more the language although I don’t know them completely.
It’s a good experience but I believe that take much time and this is not so good because I always do many things but I understand this and it’s fine. I think that topics about I have writing are not my favourite because are not interest me to much. Maybe if I write about anything that interest me this will be much funny. Other negative thing is the schedule of this activity because in this time I’m very tired.
On the whole I think that the blogging experience is a good tool to learn English. For this I learn a little more English with this activity and I’ll be grateful with this.
Well this was the last publication  J         


  1. Hi Francisca... well, you and me have a similar feels about the blog but I think that the topic was interesting... and I hope that the blog help us for the final test!! jjajajajaaajajajjajajajaaaaa

  2. Really the afternoon is not the best time for write in the blog, but that help us to progress, so is better do it although we be tired :)

  3. I'm agree with you that this tool is good to expand our vocabulary in english. Regards!
