Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I would like to learn...

Hi readers!
Today I will talk about things that I would like to learn. The true is that I like to learn many things but I don´t have many time for to learn these. All my life I wanted to learn to sing. I love music for these reasons I want sing the songs and that all people listen to me. I believe that when I sing not so bad but I don’t have technical and I have never practiced singing. I really like to learn to sing I think that someday I will learn to sing.
Other thing that I like is the theater. I love the theater and I have been practicing when I was a child. I was in a company of theater at school. I was always acting and I practice 2 or 3 times a week. Then this company stopped working but at the next year I went to another company in my town.  I was there for much time for 4 or 5 years more or less but for a strange reason this company stopped working too and then I finished my career in the theater. I don´t like to practice theater after this and I never did it again.  

This is all for today. Regards dears!  J


  1. I tried to learn to sing some years ago, but isn´t the mine ajaja, but I think to you can do it very well

  2. Hi ugly Francisca: Well I give thanks to Good because you aren´r a sing ajajaja but I think that you should practice theater again because you´re many histrionic person :)
