Thursday, May 9, 2013

My career

Hi my dear readers!
Today I will talk about my career. I love my career I think the psychology is a beautiful science. When I was an adolescent I will want study theater because in the school I did many performs with a company of theater and I love it but this company broken and the theater is over for me.  Later I think that the psychology permit me to get close to the people. I think this career permit to help the people and understand them.
The professionals in psychology help to society in many aspects. They help the people in your personal life and in your social life. They treat the psychological disorders and others problems about health. They try to understand everything about the people and society and help them in different situations of they life. I feel that the psychologists need to be more sensitive for the necessities of the people and I think that the psychologists need to listen the people in profundity.
I think that one of my favorite subjects is juridical psychology because I think this subject and this area would permit remove the stigma of the victims and the victimizer. Also the juridical psychology is a very beautiful science that permits to understand the process behind of the legal process.
This is all for today J


  1. Hi francisca: Well I think that the juridical psychology is very interesting and is one of my favorities too.

  2. Hello
    I think that the juridical psychology is a very interested area... Before, I wish go in PDI and study forensic psychology =)

  3. Hi Francisca, i am very interesting about juridical psychology and criminology, i hope learn about that the next year.

  4. I don´t like very much the judicial psychology I prefer the educational and community psychology

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Is common to hear that when we were childs we dreamed with a profession or occupation entirely different of what we're studying or doing now. I didn't know you did performances in your childhood, it must have been entertaining. I've started to like pretty much juridical psychology. I don't know, maybe we'll be coworkers in the future (:
