Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hi people! I have many ambitions. One of them is travel for the world. I would know Spain, Egypt and many countries more but specially Greece. I love this country because I think the culture is amazing.  The majority of the history of the world happened in this country. Many heroes and intellectuals were born here. I would like achieve this ambition because I would know other culture and others landscape but specially I know when the history of the world happened.  I inspired me the travelers because they learn to much about of many cultures of different countries. Travel for the world would be very important for me because is my dream since I was little. I would know everything about many cultures because everyone is special and different of my culture. I think that is important to know different things to open the mind and to recognize that other traditions are valid. I love the world and I love all the cultures. Bye!


  1. Hello

    I wish visit more countries too... Spain, grecee, french...know other cultures is very interesting!

  2. Hi ugly francisca: Well i think that your post its very funny... I wnt travel too, and greece its beautiful and inspired... bye bye

  3. Hi Fran! :)

    I hope that you can travel a Greece, because I know it´s a fabulous country, very interesting and beautiful!

    You save money :D!
