Thursday, July 18, 2013

My blogging experience

Hello my dears!
Today I will talk about my blogging experience.
I think that the blogging experience was good.  I learned to write so better or more fluid but if you don’t write followed you lose the ability. For this reason that you have writing all time. I believe that this activity help me for learn more vocabulary. Also I think that the positive thing about the blogging experience is that the teacher helps us and she corrects me all time when I was a doubt. Now I understand more the language although I don’t know them completely.
It’s a good experience but I believe that take much time and this is not so good because I always do many things but I understand this and it’s fine. I think that topics about I have writing are not my favourite because are not interest me to much. Maybe if I write about anything that interest me this will be much funny. Other negative thing is the schedule of this activity because in this time I’m very tired.
On the whole I think that the blogging experience is a good tool to learn English. For this I learn a little more English with this activity and I’ll be grateful with this.
Well this was the last publication  J         

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My best friend...

Hello my dears!
Today I will talk about my best friend J
My best friend is Carlos Céspedes and I love him. I have kwon him since we were at the school in 8th grade. I have know arround 8 years ago. The true is that We don’t have many things in common but I believe that the love is the best between us. I think that the basics values and beliefs are the same but it’s the only we have in common.  We have many things that make us different. I think that the tastes between us are very different, for example the music, the books, the films, the careers, etc. Aaaah I know! We have the same taste that is the men.   
I completely love him. He listens to me all the time and is my best companionship in good or bad moments. I like about him is his companionship because is very important for me and the other thing that I like about him is that we laugh a lot together and I love laugh. We do many things together as to dance, laugh, talk, listen to music, walk, etc.
I think that we only have had little fights but nothing serious. The most of time we are very united.
This is all for today. Regards!

This is my best friend:

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I would like to learn...

Hi readers!
Today I will talk about things that I would like to learn. The true is that I like to learn many things but I don´t have many time for to learn these. All my life I wanted to learn to sing. I love music for these reasons I want sing the songs and that all people listen to me. I believe that when I sing not so bad but I don’t have technical and I have never practiced singing. I really like to learn to sing I think that someday I will learn to sing.
Other thing that I like is the theater. I love the theater and I have been practicing when I was a child. I was in a company of theater at school. I was always acting and I practice 2 or 3 times a week. Then this company stopped working but at the next year I went to another company in my town.  I was there for much time for 4 or 5 years more or less but for a strange reason this company stopped working too and then I finished my career in the theater. I don´t like to practice theater after this and I never did it again.  

This is all for today. Regards dears!  J