Thursday, July 18, 2013

My blogging experience

Hello my dears!
Today I will talk about my blogging experience.
I think that the blogging experience was good.  I learned to write so better or more fluid but if you don’t write followed you lose the ability. For this reason that you have writing all time. I believe that this activity help me for learn more vocabulary. Also I think that the positive thing about the blogging experience is that the teacher helps us and she corrects me all time when I was a doubt. Now I understand more the language although I don’t know them completely.
It’s a good experience but I believe that take much time and this is not so good because I always do many things but I understand this and it’s fine. I think that topics about I have writing are not my favourite because are not interest me to much. Maybe if I write about anything that interest me this will be much funny. Other negative thing is the schedule of this activity because in this time I’m very tired.
On the whole I think that the blogging experience is a good tool to learn English. For this I learn a little more English with this activity and I’ll be grateful with this.
Well this was the last publication  J         

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My best friend...

Hello my dears!
Today I will talk about my best friend J
My best friend is Carlos Céspedes and I love him. I have kwon him since we were at the school in 8th grade. I have know arround 8 years ago. The true is that We don’t have many things in common but I believe that the love is the best between us. I think that the basics values and beliefs are the same but it’s the only we have in common.  We have many things that make us different. I think that the tastes between us are very different, for example the music, the books, the films, the careers, etc. Aaaah I know! We have the same taste that is the men.   
I completely love him. He listens to me all the time and is my best companionship in good or bad moments. I like about him is his companionship because is very important for me and the other thing that I like about him is that we laugh a lot together and I love laugh. We do many things together as to dance, laugh, talk, listen to music, walk, etc.
I think that we only have had little fights but nothing serious. The most of time we are very united.
This is all for today. Regards!

This is my best friend:

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I would like to learn...

Hi readers!
Today I will talk about things that I would like to learn. The true is that I like to learn many things but I don´t have many time for to learn these. All my life I wanted to learn to sing. I love music for these reasons I want sing the songs and that all people listen to me. I believe that when I sing not so bad but I don’t have technical and I have never practiced singing. I really like to learn to sing I think that someday I will learn to sing.
Other thing that I like is the theater. I love the theater and I have been practicing when I was a child. I was in a company of theater at school. I was always acting and I practice 2 or 3 times a week. Then this company stopped working but at the next year I went to another company in my town.  I was there for much time for 4 or 5 years more or less but for a strange reason this company stopped working too and then I finished my career in the theater. I don´t like to practice theater after this and I never did it again.  

This is all for today. Regards dears!  J

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Places for eat out

Hi my dear readers!
Today I will talk about of my favorite places to eat out. The true is that I eat out sometimes because I prefer call for food from my house and eat here. But when I eat out I go to different restaurants for different food.  Sometimes I go to the Mercado Central but I don´t remember of the names of the restaurants specifically. This is a wonderful place to eat Chilean and Peruvian food. I love “lomo saltado” it`s very delicious and in Mercado Central make the best "lomos". Other of my favorite food in the Mercado Central are “parrilladas” with many meat and salads.
In Curicó my favorite places to eat out is a Chinese food restaurant but I don´t remember the name (I think that I`m very bad with the names jaja). It’s my favorite restaurant because I'm going to this place since childhood. In this restaurant we have many family meals and I have the best memories in this place. Apart, the food is amazing. This place has Sushi and Chinese and Peruvian food they are my favorite foods. Also, the desserts are amazing in special the “suspiro limeño”.

This is all for today J I hope you are well. Regards!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

About my presentation

Hello everyone!
Today I will write about my presentation of the eating disorders, specifically about anorexia.
I chose this topic because I think that they are illnesses, which increasing in number   over time. Moreover, they are very harmful for the body and for the mind.  The worst is that the people who have this disorders don`t accept this because they are not aware that real body.
I think that is very interesting to understand why the people who have these illnesses distort their body schema and they don’t consume anything. I feel that is very sad look their bodies because they are only bones.
I think that as psychologists we have to worry of these patients and support them in their difficult disease.
When I did my presentation I was very nervous for this I looked my paper in many times but I really had studied my presentation. I think that my pronunciation is better compared to the last year but I don’t know jajaja. I think that organization of my presentation was very good and I spoke the sufficient time but I think that I add more information if I had it to do again.
The eating disorders in special anorexia are really dangerous illnesses. This requires a big psychological support but overcoat the support of his or her family because it is a disorder that will last forever.
Regards J

Thursday, May 9, 2013

My career

Hi my dear readers!
Today I will talk about my career. I love my career I think the psychology is a beautiful science. When I was an adolescent I will want study theater because in the school I did many performs with a company of theater and I love it but this company broken and the theater is over for me.  Later I think that the psychology permit me to get close to the people. I think this career permit to help the people and understand them.
The professionals in psychology help to society in many aspects. They help the people in your personal life and in your social life. They treat the psychological disorders and others problems about health. They try to understand everything about the people and society and help them in different situations of they life. I feel that the psychologists need to be more sensitive for the necessities of the people and I think that the psychologists need to listen the people in profundity.
I think that one of my favorite subjects is juridical psychology because I think this subject and this area would permit remove the stigma of the victims and the victimizer. Also the juridical psychology is a very beautiful science that permits to understand the process behind of the legal process.
This is all for today J

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hi my dear readers
Today I write about my favourite song I don’t have a favourite song in English so I write about a song in Spanish.  The song called “La complicidad” of Perotá Chingó. I heard it when my boyfriend sends me by facebook and I really loved it! I love this song because is very beautiful and very romantic. I think that when you are in love this song is perfect. This song is amazing is about the love and the complicity between two people who love each.
Perotá Chingó is a group of argentine musicians. They travel around all America Latina. They travel singing and touching your instruments. They are something like hippies. I love this group your music relax me. For this reason is that my boyfriend invited me to the concert of this group and was so exciting. They are incredible!
I think that this song is the best song and Perotá Chingó the best group J I want to see them again but they live in Argentina L
That's all for today! Regards!